Using, Used, Gonna Use...

A week of current favourites, used up product & something to try out for the next week:

Using 1:
My current winter complexion loves the colour of my Koh Gen Do Maifanshi moisture foundation in 123. I love it's unscented texture and the totally light way it feels on my skin. It covers most of the 'tokens of sensitivity' and still looks like 'good natural skin'. 
Funny is that last summer I questioned myself: "I wonder how it will perform when my skin needs more help" when I my skin actually was pretty good:
Answer: Quite good! The eternal winter of 2013 and stress took is toll on my complexion. After Maishanshi, I just need a bit of concealer to fake healthy skin, ok, and blush...duh. (review here)

Using 2:
 I got a hold of Edward Bess Illuminating Eyeshadow base in Suede. Actually, Suede is a tad too dark for my eyelids but it works wonders in keeping eyeshadow put. I never liked eyeshadow bases like Urban Decay because they looked like cement and kept that unnatural (matt-ish) look after putting eyeshadow over it. This one is different by keeping the eyeshadows lustrous and alive.

It's time to bin my Dejavu Lash Knockout. I discussed it here and like it, but mascaras have a limited date of use and I have it since November (see here), bye bye. 

Gonna Use:
Pixi Tinted Brilliance Balm in Rosy Red
This lipster came in a set when I was curious for a Pixi Endless eye pencil (overview here)I found a set on (gone now, sorry). Some girls are wearing it here, and it looks different on each complexion sooo...

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