Alexis Smart Beauty Formula no. 8: a Post-Resolutions Update

Remember my delirious set of resolutions in '14? I thought it's time to give an update on these after the first 3 months have been 'resolution'-nised into 2014.

I just finished my Alexis Smart Beauty Potion no. 8: I blogged about it here.

Alexis Smart remedies are a type of Bach-remedies sort of drops that you can use according to your 'lack' or 'what's missing'. I intentionally placed these words into brackets as Flower Remedies do not believe too much into 'lacks' and 'negative', only into strenghtening the postive aspects of a person (read more in my previous article).

Now, did it work
Ok, the aspect of thinking of buying a 'beauty potion' and especially in the mystical sounding 'no 8' is that you might expect Beeaaauuutttyyy. Never mind my sarcasm because as a beautyblogger I won't strive for unpretty-ness, but I'm not one to be in the Oscar Wilde type-of-thinking that "beauty for beauty's sake" is enough.

Neither is the standpoint of this formula, as it focusses on inner-beauty and relaxation, that will help your outer features be more of "your radiant self".

In that aspect: It worked! 

I've been using the drops religiously every 4 times a day for a month, and felt more relaxed after that month. 

I had lapsed into a certain beauty-obession before the formula. For example: working out! I frequently went to a High Intensity Training to trim away my *hardly there* cellulite and I wasn't having that much fun with it anymore. Moreover, I didn't loose any fatty tissue, I started to gain again!
Not so unlogical as the H.I.T training made me really tired so afterwards I sank into the couch with food and didn't come out for a while.

Then it figured: I used to have a better body when I did my Zumba classes: they are not so high intensity, but I had heaps of energy and a zest for life afterwards. I wouldn't sink into the couch but had energy to walk frequently, cycle, etc. Basically, a lower intensity training but still with tons of fun has a better result on my body and food patterns.

This is just a body example but I have had a similar epiphany with my superfoods: I blended every powder, think spirulina, wheatgrass, barley, MSM, Acai, Baobab into my morning smoothie. Then at 10 am I felt I missed something nice tasting so I drank lots of sugary coffee. 


I'm still not completely there of being obsessed: see my last hairstory-trauma.

Funnily, because I'm less obessed I will not repurchase an expensive bottle of drops. I do love her fomulas and am on another one I might blog about it soon.  She recommends taking one formula at the time and that one is a bit more important right now. See, it works!

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