Etude House Dear My: some Blooming Lips-talk in RD 304

I've been looking forward to do some blooming lip talk about Etude House latest lipstick:

When blush is something essential for looking healthy, I think lipstick is the fun part of makeup. A good lipstick can make you look glowier but if the rest of your makeup is good than you have quite some freedom to experiment with colour and it's effect.

As cute as ever and targetting for a younger market the lipstick appears in a soft pink box adorned with little hearts. The box speaks about a Smooth textured lipstick that supplies vivid colour and moist shine.

The reason I was enchanted the most was by a really adorable (and also slightly sappy) commercial. It is so sugary sweet and quite damsel-in-distress (no further spoilers).

Her lipstick looks quite bright too. I was wondering if this formula would come close to the ones I was so crazy about in 2010: the LucidDarling LED lipsticks (review here & here)

My colour pick was quite bright: I went for RD 30. I have such a large collection of MLBB, rosy tones etc so I wanted a poppy colour.

They have quite some choice, though:

The lipstick has a sweet shape and that cute tiny bow around the waist: just like a dress:

The colour, as I aimed for, is quite bright. It looks more orangy in this photo  

Swatch pictures: (left- photoflash: right: natural light)


  • I think the photo on the left is the most accurate. It is a neon-esque pink that will really work with the bright and neon trends now.
  • It somewhat feels like a matte lipstick or if you know YSL Rouge Volupté, it has that kind of texture.
  • It is quite scented: something florally I cannot put my finger on. Personally, I do not find it hindering.
  • It wears for quite some time and if fades away in a not-so-blotty manner. Although you need to check yourself after 4 hours if it is still on in a decent matter.
  • It does a good job covering your natural lip colour. In my case I have a somewhat flushed mouth that can alter the original colour, however, this one is almost as bright as in the tube.
Indeed, it is rather similar like their 2010 I was so happy about, both texture and opacity on the lips. I wonder if they just put the same formula in a cuter tube and a different name. However, that is something only the people from Etude House know about.


Wonderful and affordable. The colour is really unique and not easy to be duped, or not yet, at least. It stays on for a long time and doesn't look flaky nor doesn't it accentuate not so perfect lips: and that is well-done for a bright lipstick. If you have a sensitive nose it might be slightly too overscented.

I bought it on gmarket for for $7.77  (excluding shipping) but I think you are better of buying it from ebay (eg RubyRuby) for $11.99 because you saw they aren't too generous with the freebies (see here).

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