Etude House Milk Talk showergel in Choco & Sheet Mask Royal Jelly

People, this is post no 499 of this blog but I will keep it rather short & sweet for today! 

For people celebrating the Eastern celebration I want to wish you a wonderful day. People not celebrating I want to wish you a pleasant day as well!

I will continue reviewing the latest Etude House products I have received in my latest haul from them (here). Actually, both are a foody bunch and over here Eastern celebrations is a lot about food & eggs, so it is a good theme for today ;)

First, the Milk Talk Shower gel in Chocolate.

I think the bottle is both cute and funny. It looks like a oldfashioned milk-bottle, but I think that 'Oh' on the left side is rather funny.

I once read that people that like to eat less of the so-called naughty foods can diminuish their cravings by smelling the food. The Dailymail has an article about it, but somehow I am a bit sceptic about this one because when I enter a bakery and smell delicious croissants, I only feel more inclined to eat one.

So actually dieting or eating less chocolate was not the reason I bought this showergel. I just like to smell wonderful things and the scent of chocolate is rather pleasant.

the gel: it also has a chocolaty colour
It is a mini review because there is not so much to analyse about showergel. However, I like it because:
  • it smells like Hersey's Chocolate. 
Lot's of showergels and bodylotions are not able to get it right: the authentic scent of a food-product. Or sometimes they get it right but it goes weird after a couple of minutes. This one is able to maintain the Hersey's scent. They also have the Milk Talk shower gells in strawberry, steam milk, banana & apple. I wonder how they will be able to get the scent right...
  • It cleanses quite well
The only con about it is that it isn't moisturizing enough. It isn't really drying either, but I think my Therme showergel is more moisturizing.
  • It is really affordable for $5.05 (here) or on ebay (here)
Continuing to the sheet Mask: It is actually called the "I need you" Royal Jelly mask Sheet, how romantic.

I really like those little fellows carrying something on the left side of the mask.

Sorry for this flash-picture. I normally check them before I throw the packaging away. I hope you can still read most of it.

 I found this description from this ebayseller

Opening the satchel:

The mask is made for Korean faces: That meant it was a bit on the wider side for me, but not too much.

There was enough room for my eyes, nose but the mouth was a bit on the smaller side. Oh well, I never eat stuff while taking a sheetmask.

My verdict:
  • The cloth is a bit rougher than sheetmasks such as Mybeautydiary, MyBeautyFriends & MySheming. Not hindering at all, but still a bit rougher. On the positive side it meant that it didn't tear so easily.
  • It has enough moisture inside. Normally the satchels are drenched in moisture & you can reapply the leftover part in the satchel after you have been using it, but this one is enough.
  • The liquid felt very comforting on my skin. It is scentless.
  • BEST THING: THE EFFECT. Although the things mentioned above aren't pure rave-ville, I really loved the effect. I took this mask at night and went to sleep without my usual night-prep, only the effect of the liquid of the mask. The next morning I actually looked younger, revived and my skin looked a lot fresher & tighter!
Basically, I will rebuy this one for it's effect. Probably not on the EtudeHouse gmarket side but from one of the ebay sellers who lists them.

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